Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Trip

The first thing I saw this morning was this,
and all I could think was Pearl Jam and "Even Flow" got stuck in my head.

So this morning I woke up after having a dream about being very wasted and in this dream my friend Trent Hazelwood saved me with a Wendys chicken sandwhich... You know those dreams where you have something, and you wake up looking for it? Like, "I hope this fuckin sandwhich is still under my pillow." Well unfortunately this was one of those times, about 10 minutes after waking up I hear a knock at the door, its Trent and he has a 711 breakfast sandwhich for me. It wasn't Wendys but damn close enough for me!
Trents new lady friends.
We got Kenny Barnes and got on the road around 9am... Trent woke me up at 6 after going to sleep at 4am the night before (and here I am again at 5am doing this shit)
We met up with Justin
^This is the first spot we hit.
I took some pictures, X somehow didn't notice I took this one and freaked when he saw it on the camera.
X and Justin were fucking matching.
We got to Charlottesville around 10am, left around 10pm, and got a lot of good footage and a good ass time... how was Your Monday?

Little clip of throw away & junk. Enjoy!

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